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Violent election campaign

A VOICE of America report says that violent incidents are on the rise as polling day nears. According to the report, the purpose of [this] .

can either be to get the polls delayed or to sabotage the process. The Awami National Party has so far borne the brunt of most terror acts ...

the party has constantly beengetting threats from the T e h r e e k -iT ali b a n Pakistan. Electioneering has yet to kick off in Karachi as no bigmeeting has been arranged by the ANP, MQM or PPP. . .

The culture of ... guns cannot be beneficial to any society but unfortunately it has been made a custom in our country. Right from day one, a malicious campaign was launched against politicians and military dictators continued fulfilling their ulterior motive (to grab power). The masses have been treated ..

as if they were the enemy on the war front. One of the four military dictators [was] ...

instrumental in Pakistan`s dismemberment ... and the third dictator gifted the country terrorism and introduced the culture of heroin and Kalashnikovs ... [while] thefourth (dictator) brought in drone attacks and Taliban suicide bombers but is still desirous of taking part in the . . elections.

Owing to the adventurism of such `saviours,` democracy did not get a chance to flourish in the country. Once considered the strategic assets of Pakistan, the Taliban ... havenow become a curse.

The jihadi elements have now resorted to blackmailing the government ... by attackingteams administering antipolio drops to children and killing political leaders and their supporters. ... But the silence of the Supreme Court ... is beyond [comprehension J.

Are suicide bombings and killing rivals permissible in Islam? Only our jihadi mullahs can explain ... there is no coercion or compulsion in Islam regarding faith. How can differences of political opinion not be allowed? The government`s inability to address the issue is aggravating the otherwise peaceful political process with every passing day.-(April 18) = Selected and translated by Zaheer Mahmood Siddiqui.