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Violence not a solution to differences of opinion: minister

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal said on Thursday that conflicts hinder progress while extremism and intolerance lead to the path of destruction.

This he said while addressing the concluding ceremony of a two-day international Islamic conference on peace jointly organised by International Islamic Institute for Peace and the Islamic Research Institute (IRI)of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).

The minister said the world was facing the menace of intolerance, extremism and radicalisation, adding negative elements take advantage of the situation to create unrest in societies. He said peaceful coexistence should be our first priority.

Mr Iqbal said the solution to differences of opinion was not violence but dialogue. The path to peace cannot be found without mutual tolerance and forbearance, he said, adding knowledge, research and curiosity were the attributes that guarantee one`s success.

He said Muslims should seriously address their weaknesses with self-accountability. The Muslim world must work to make the societies peaceful, prudent and knowledgeable. He said Muslims had a legacy of knowledge but they are now left behind in the field of knowledge; the past has to be repeated.

The minister said every Pakistani believes in supremacy of law and knows that the constitution has sanctity. We must meaningfully implement the constitution, he added.

Addressing the youth, he said the development and stability of the country depends on the youth. Pakistan`s youth have the potential to make the country a place of peace, prosperity and tolerance.

`Let`s discourage polarisation and 1(eep our youth away from narrow-mindedness and prejudice` said Mr Iqbal.

IIUI Rector Dr Masoom Yasinzai said it was time universities played their role and involve students in constructive activities. He said universities have to come up with solutions to the problems by adapting themselves to the needs of the society.

He said researchers and scholars from all over Pakistan participated in the conference which was a positive development. Dr Ziaul Haq, the director general of IRI, said the purpose of the conference was to defeat hatred and establish peace.Staff Reporter