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`Dawn of freedom`

T HIS is with reference to your full-page `Genesis Dhaka 1906: the All-India Muslim League` (June 3).

Nawab Khwaja Salimullah, the Nawab of Dhaka, had sponsored the All-India Muhammad Educational Conference in Dhaka from Dec 27 to 29, 1906, which was chaired by Nawab Justice Sharfuddin. It decided to hold a political session of the conference on Dec 30, to discuss the Hindu agitation against the formation of a separate Muslim majority province of East Bengal and Assam, with the capital at Dhaka.

Nawab Salimullah proposed the name of Nawab Vigar-ul-Mulk, Chairman of the inaugural session on Dec 30 and was unanimously elected chairman. Nawab Salimullah proposed the first resolution which was to create a political organisation of Muslims, named All-India Muslim League (AIML). It was seconded by Hakim Ajmal Khan. The stalwarts of the Aligarh Movement and the Urdu Defence Association, Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Nawab Vigar-ul-Mulk, were nominated joint conveners to frame a constitution for the AllIndia Muslim League.

The second meeting of the AIML was held at Karachi on Dec 29 and 30, 1907.

Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk had died and Nawab Vigarul Mulk proposed that Sir Adamjee Peerbhoy, who had donated Rs110,000 to a science college at Aligarh, be elected president. Nawab Ali Chaudhry and Mian Muhammad Shah Din seconded and supported the move and Peerbhoy waselected AIML president.

The AIML`s third meeting was held at Aligarh on March 18 and 19, 1908. Mr Fazl Husain and Mr Muzamiullah Khan proposed and seconded the name of Mr Muhammad Shah Din, who was unanimously selected president. However, when Rs500 was received from H.H. Sir Aga Khan, including Rs 50 as his admission and membership fee of the AIML, Maulvi Rafiuddin Ahmed proposed and Mian Muhammad Shafi seconded, supported by Haji Muhammad Khan, that His Highness Sir Aga Khan, CCIE, be elected AIML president. The resolution was unanimously adopted and communicated to His Highness by wire.

The AIML`s fourth meeting was held at Amritsar on Dec 30 and 31, 1908, where Syed Ali Imam was elected president. The fif th meeting was held at Delhi on Jan 29 and 30, 1910, where the Aga Khan made an appearance and proposed Sir Ghulam Ali Khan Bahadur, KCIE, the Prince of Ascot, as president.

The two group photos published by you do not represent the meetings of the All-India Muslim League, and the Aga Khan did not make an appearance till January 1910.

Suhail Zaheer Lari Karachi