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Climate devastation

THIS refers to the editorial `Climate devastation` (July 28) which portrayed a vivid picture of the impact of climate change on Pakistan if timely interventions were not made by the government.

Interestingly, Pakistan is blessed with numerous resources. But successive governments have lacked the will, the goal and the plan to utilise them.

I agree with the idead of including national experts, including civil engineers, to combat climate devastation.

Apart from them, the innovative Final Year Projects (FYPs), which of ten need funding from the government and industry to develop prototypes, and the tech-based start-ups incubated and launched from dif ferent universities of Pakistan, including the Of fice of Research, Innovation, and Commercializsation (ORIC), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, should also be a part of this high-level plan.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre at Mehran University has a well-established business incubation support system that promotes budding entrepreneurs.

The government should also include young entrepreneurs from universities recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). This will lead to innovative climate technology and ideas that will then be translated into businesses to build a better future for all in Pakistan.

Furgan Hyder Shaikh Jamshoro