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Seventy-five years ago Panther motorcycle case

THE story of how the Panther motorcycle bearing No 7228 was removed to the bungalow of Mr M.A. Khuhro, ex-Premier of Sind, was told on Thursday [Aug 19] by Assistant Sub-Inspector Mirza Farid Beg and Head Constable Id Mohammad in the court of Mr B.L. Tobin, Additional City Magistrate, when the Panther Motor Cycle Case against Mr Khuhro and Mr A.M. Qureshi came up for hearing at 12 noon.

Head Constable Id Mohammad deposed that he removed the motorcycle to the bungalow of Mr Khuhro... . Mirza Farid Beg deposed that he was engaged in anti-smuggling duties at the port in December last. He received the articles seized by the Dock Security Police and stored them in a godown at the Harbour Police Station. He received the Panther motorcycle in question on Dec 9 and entered it in the unclaimed property list. `A few days afterwards I was asked by Mr Ghulam Murtaza, DSP, to send the motorcycle to Mr Khuhro`s bungalow. I asked him to give the order in writing. As he did not do so, the order was not executed by me. I found later that the motorcycle had been removed from where it was lying, the witness said. Dawn Staff Correspondent