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Quitting India

LONDON: Britain will not contemplate total withdrawal of her forces from India in the intervening period before power is transferred, declared Mr. A.V. Alexander, Minister of Defence ... in the House of Commons today [March 21]. He said: `Our forces in India have been drastically reduced since the end of the war. Until the transfer of authority to Indians takes place in 16 months` time, we have responsibilities in India which require the continued presence of British forces and we are not therefore prepared to contemplate complete withdrawal of the forces from India in the intervening period before power is transferred.

[Meanwhile, it was also reported from London that,] The date for termination of the Secretary of State for India`s services in India is likely to be announced soon by the British Government, according to informed London political quarters tonight [March 20]. The date is expected to be given in a general statement to Parliament on the Indian administrative services during the next few weeks, cables Fraser Wighton, Reuter`s political correspondent. Those closely in touch with events predict that the date for termination may precede the date already announced by Britain for formal transfer of power into Indian hands, namely June 1948. Dawn Delhi