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Double standards

THE attack on Ukraine by Russia is severely criticised by the Western countries, spearheaded by the United States. Such acts of aggression by powerful countries anywhere in the world must be condemned. But what bothers me is the double standards of the West.

If Russia`s attack on Ukraine is wrong, how are the atrocities of the US justified in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Vietnam and Afghanistan? Did the American forces not kill thousands of men and children, raped women, illegally transferred billions of dollars and assets from these countries to their homelands? Besides, most of the countries that faced American aggression happened to be Muslim-majority ones. The US clearly considers it quite normal and in line with its hatred against Muslim nations.

However, in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is the first time in many years that a powerful country has attacked a non-Muslim country. May be this is the reason behind the hue and cry that is being raised by the West.

Cdre (retd) Sajjad Ali Shah Bokhari Islamabad