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Consensus building

THIS refers to the letter `Charter of economy` (Feb 11) which tried to put the horse before the cart. Pakistan`s centric problem is not security, economic or political challenge. At best, these are symptoms of a deeper malaise.

The nation`s comprehensive backwardness, decadence of institutions and erosion of moral values is rooted in the outdated and colonially orchestrated social structure, customs and practices that have not undergone change since partition.

The country cannot progress without the abolition of feudal system that remains deeply entrenched. We need to create more provinces,ensure devolution ofgenuine power and adequate resources to the grassroots level, and introduce radical judicial reforms to deliver affordable and timely justice.

Regrettably, all the aforesaid reforms are opposed tooth and nail by the stakeholders as it compromises or dilutes their existing dominance, hold, influence and expropriation of the nation`s resources.

In neighbouring India, feudalism was abolishednottoolongafterindependence, while more provinces (states) have been created over time to manage the increase in population and its needs. The local bodies system is also well-established and empowered with municipalities in urban areasand panchayatsinthe ruralareas.

Similarly, in Bangladesh, feudalism was abolished in the early 1950s and is the single reason for its astounding economic stride. Both the countries enjoy political stability, good security, clear direction and economic clout.Here, none of the would-be affected powerbrokers desire any change in the status quo as it will dislodge them from their position of strength. More importantly, how the invisible forces can be kept at bay? That alone is a million-dollar question.

The quest for `charter of economy`is thus premature and a non-starter at this juncture. Such a consensus demands certain prerequisites and prior actions that have so far been avoided by the rulers.

Shoaib A. Majeed Karachi