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Cease-fire efforts

TEL AVIV: The so-called Israeli Cabinet was meeting tonight [Oct 20] to decide when the Security Council`s `cease-fire` order should be issued to troops fighting in the Negeb, a so-called Jewish Foreign Office spokesman announced. Dr Ralphe Bunche, the acting Palestine Mediator, yesterday told the Security Council that Egypt had accepted his appeal for a temporary unconditional cease-fire on condition that is was also accepted by Israel.

Today`s ... cabinet meeting was taken here to imply that Israel had accepted the principle of the cease-fire without waiting for the acting Mediator`s orders. ... A Jewish Foreign Office spokesman indicated today that the cease-fire order would `doubtless` be carried out by the so-called Israeli Government. News agencies [Meanwhile, according to news agencies from Paris,] strong opposition by Pakistan to a French amendment on genocide seeking to limit definition of the term to attacks on the life of a human group, `committed, encouraged or tolerated by the rulers of a state`, received wide support in the United Nations Legal Committee today [Oct 20].