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Trump video about `unified reich` draws White House ire

WASHINGTON: The White House on Tuesday condemned a video posted by Donald Trump`s social media account showing fake headlines about a `unified reich` if he wins the 2024 presidential election.

President Joe Biden`s election campaign accused Trump of echoing anti-Semitic ideas, while the White House said any content that promoted Nazi Germany was `sickening`. The video was eventually taken down from Trump`s account on his Truth Social site on Tuesday, the day after it was posted.

`What happens after Donald Trump wins? What`s next for America?` a voiceover asks in the 30-second clip, which flashes a series of fictitious news stories painting a picture of American prosperity.

Amid headlines including `Economy booms!` and `Border is closed,` one mentions `the creation of a unified reich.` No direct reference to Nazis is made in the clip, but the word `reich` is commonly used in reference to the Third Reich of Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler.

Other references in the video, which appeared to have multiple copy-and-pasted chunks of text to fill out the `newspaper` background, mention World War L The `unified reich` headline appears to reference the 1871 unification of Germany.

In a statement, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said the post had no official backing and that the `reich` reference was unintentional. `This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word,` she said. Trump didn`t respond to shouted questions about the video as he attended his historic criminal hush money trial in New York.-AFP