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Saudi call

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia last night [Oct 20] called for holy war in support of Egypt and Syria against Israel. The Saudi Press Agency quoted an Interior Ministry statement as saying that instructions had been sent to the provinces for the collection of donations in cash and blood. The statement, released by the Agency, said: [`]At the instructions of King Faisal, the Interior Ministry appeals to the sons of our dear homeland, and those residing in it, to participate in helping the brothers fighting on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts who are sacrificing their lives to confront the treacherous Israeli aggression....

And as Jehad is a duty of all Muslims ...

every citizen is called upon to back the freedom-fightingbrothers.`-News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from Islamabad,] Maulana Kausar Niazi, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Haj and Auqaf, today [Oct 21] urged the people to celebrate Id festival with simplicity and austerity. He said that the festival this year was coming at a time when floods had caused widespread devastation in the country and the Arab brethren were engagedin Jehad againstthe Israeliaggressors. [He was] replying to an address of welcome at an Iftar party.