LAHORE:The Agriculture Department has initiated a project for discouraging use of pesticides on vegetables and rice.
Under the project worth over Rs317 million, the growers will be given awareness about the ill-effects of pesticides on human, animal as well as soil health and practical training on how to get a good harvest of vegetables and rice without the use of chemicals.
Pest Warning and Quality Control of Pesticides Director-General Dr Ghulam Abbas says that pesticide dealers are also being included in the awareness raising project so that they may transfer this knowledge to farmers.
He says that unnecessary and indiscriminate spray of pesticides not only adds to the cost of production but also reduces per acre yield as well as increases the risks of their rejection in the world markets because of chemical residue.
He advised the growers to rely on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques and give a proper gap between the sprays of pesticides and harvesting of vegetables to avoid permeation of chemicals residue in the produce. — Staff Reporter