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Indian jingoism

T HIS is apropos the editorial `Aggressive remarks from India` (Jan 15). India`s jingoism is of ten externalised in its episodicthreatstoPakistan,therecent being from Indian army chief Gen Bipin Rawat.

His comments about calling Islamabad`s nuclear bluff will only serve to aggravate the current antagonism between the two nuclear neighbouring countries. The Indian army chief is deluded into equating India`s potency with nuclear power, unmindful that the country he is threatening is capable of giving his country a befitting reply.

Somebody in own country seriously needs to reason with bellicose Bipin that nuclear war, far from deciding any winner, only leaves a trail of destruction for the generadonsonbothsides.

With US president Donald Trump supporting the Indian government and simultaneously accusing Pakistan of harbouring terrorists, and partially with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu`s recent visit, Indian army chief has been emboldened to issue hawkish and provocative statements against Pakistan.

There seems no potent substance in the comment, except reflecting the brazen immaturity of the Indian army chief.

RiazMahar Sukkur