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Kaira raps PTI-led government over `bad governance`

By Our Staff Reporter 2020-01-23
LAHORE: Pakistan People`s Party Punjab President Qamar Zaman Kaira laments that bad governance of the Pakistan Tehreek-iInsaf-led government has reached a level where even its advisers are saying it`s a complete f ailure.

`Prime minister`s adviser Ishrat Hussain himself is saying the governance has completely been destroyed, while the FBR chairman says his institution needs to be restructured,` he told a press con-ference here on Wednesday.

Referring to the ongoing wheat flour crisis in the country, he recalled that flour-laden trucks could be seen standing along roads for distribution of the staple food at subsidised rates during Musharraf regime when the country was facing wheat shortage. The scene has been replicated after 12 years by the `lovers of the dictator`, he said.

Criticising the government, he said first surplus wheat was exported, offering a subsidy worth Rs10.5 billion to the exporters and now wheat was being imported to meet the shortage in the local market.

He asked why the government was importing the grain when new crop was due soon.

Commenting on surge in sugar prices, Mr Kaira regretted sugar mills were not being made opera-tional contrary to the usual practice of starting the crushing season by November end each year, while on the other hand sugarcane growers were not being paid their dues by the millers.

He asked what kind of governance it was that sugar rates were going up, adding that if the crisis had been caused by hoarders then who had the authority to take action -the media, opposition or the government? He advised Prime Minister Imran Khan to take a U-turn and try escaping [from the country] for the PTI was unable to run the country`s af fairs.

He regretted that PTI leaders were clashing with the leadership of their allied parties but claims were being made about the government`s stability.

Alleging corruption within thePTI ranks, he said even the ruling party MNAs were leveling allegations that jobs were being sold out by the authorities concerned while Federal Science and Technology Minister Fawad Cahudhry chargesheeted the Punjab government for failing to deliver in the province.

Replying to a question about the PPP-led Sindh government`s demand for replacing the current inspector general of police of the province, Mr Kaira said if the prime minister had the right to select a team of bureaucrats for running the federal government, then provincial chief ministers also had the right to post IGs of their choice. Five IGs had been changed in the 16-month rule of the PTI in Punjab without any objection from any quarter, he added.