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Embassy of Japan celebrates birthday anniversary of Emperor Naruhito

By Jamal Shahid 2024-02-23
ISLAMABAD: The embassy of Japan on Thursday celebrated the 64th birthday anniversary of the Emperor Naruhito, which is one of its most cherished and vibrant annual celebrations.

The official event was a spectacular display of patriotism with a special and spectacular drum performance by children from Japanese School in addition to traditional ikebana and bonsai displays by groups from Lahore, Japanese companies and Jica joining to display their products and projects.

Japanese Ambassador Wada Mitsuhiro, who hosted the reception, welcomed Jamal Shah, the caretaker Minister for National Heritage and Culture, besides other ministers, parliamentarians, senior government officials, members of the diplomatic community and other dignitaries from public and private sectors.

Ambassador Wada together with guests cut a calce to mark the emperor`s birthday, which is on February 23. Guests extended congratulations to the host and friends from the embassy.Since his accession to the throne on May 1, 2019, as the 126th emperor of Japan, Emperor Naruhito has stood as the symbol of Japan and the unity of the people. The emperor and the imperial family also facilitated the good relations with foreign countries, including Pal(istan.

Welcoming the guests, Ambassador Wada conveyed his appreciation for the longstanding friendly relations between Japanand Pal(istan and appreciated contributions of all the people who had helped further strengthen mutual ties in individual, business or official capacity.

`Imagine, what do the Japanese living in Pal(istan do here? Among around 1,000 of us living in Pakistan, in fact quite many were married to Pal(istanis or the children of such international couples.

They formed families who loved both Japan and Pal(istan, and manyof such families had made good contributions to Pal(-Japan relations.

The ambassador said the embassy, Jica, JETRO and Japanese companies had been present in Pakistan for long. This year marl(ed 70 years since Japan started its official development assistance (ODA) to Pal(istan.

`This is a long time, and I would like to emphasise that we have never been alone we`ve always had Pakistani friends and partnerswho supported us. I`m not talking only about big partner companies, but also about each of you, who kept telling us that you liked Japanese culture, anime, food, cars and electronics. It is thanl(s to you that we have been able to continue our work here in Pakistan.

He said there were also partnerships that were not so visible.

`When I visited Sialkot a few months ago, I was surprised and pleased to know that the famous Pal(istani businesses that produce soccer balls and surgical instruments are using high-quality Japan-made materials. Both soccer balls and surgical instruments are among the specialties of Pal(istan and they are exported to countries around world,` he said, adding as ambassador it was pleasing that Japanese companies and technology played a vital and indispensable role in promoting Pal(istan`s export.

He said there was still political and economic turmoil in this country. `Nevertheless, I am convinced that the power and contribution of each individual will continue to be the basis of our strong ties. Two weel(s ago, I had the honour to observe the elections at some polling stations, and was truly impressed by the passion of the people who worked there all day to make people`s voices heard.

The people of Pakistan are the treasure of this country and also the Japan-Pakistan relationship, he said.