THIS is with reference to the editorial `E-governance` (Jan 10), which was an appropriate reminder to the authorities that merely words would not get the wheels rolling forward towards the targeted digitalisation of processes.
Ironically, a letter in these columns on the same day, titled `Outdated practices`, gave two specific examples of a recent interaction with government regulatory authoritiesthataskedforphotocopies of documents when the required information was available on the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) website, and could have been easily accessed. This is the net worth of the government`s `e-governance` plan.
Perhaps, like many other mafias, there is also a photocopy mafia that operates outside nearly all government offices, be they federal, provincial or municipal.
E-governance will remain a fancy word till the government itself does away with outdates practices that remain well outside the larger `e-governance` domain.