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Indian devaluation

KARACHI: The Government of Pakistan, it was reliably learned on Thursday [Sept 22], are sending a strongly worded note to the Government of India protesting against their unilateral decision to devalue the Indian rupee. Under the Indo-Pakistan Payments Agreement, it will be recalled neither ofthe contractingparties could effect a change in her currency ration without previously consulting the other party.

Financial circles ... blamed India for the `tricky` situation... . It was generally felt that [India`s] attitude had been prompted more by politics than by a clear and dispassionate conception of the changed economic situation. It was pointed out that India`s stand was untenable with economic facts. News agencies [Meanwhile, according to news agencies from London,] The Chinese Communist radio, in a recent broadcast from Peiping ...

resumed its charge that the United States, Britain and India were conspiring to annex Tibet. ... It alleged that the `expelling of the Han people and the Han lamas and the closing down of Han schools by the Tibetan authorities on July 28 lay bare an international plot.