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Fifty years ago Wali Khan`s address

LAHORE: Khan Abdul Wali Khan, President, National Awami Party, declared here today [Dec 22] he would condemn the Afghan Government in case it laid claim on any territory in Pakistan. But ... it was in his knowledge that the Afghan Government had told Islamic Secretariat Secretary-General Hasan Al-Tohamy that Afghanistan had no dispute with Pakistan. What it wanted was that the Pakistan Government should settle controversial matters with Pathans and Baluchis, he claimed. He was addressing a public meeting ... held under the auspices of Pakistan Ittehad Party. ...

Continuing, the NAP chief said history was a witness to the fact that Afghanistan had never resorted to an act harmful to Pakistan.

... He said it was a tragedy with this country that even the person responsible for the bifurcation of Pakistan was not made accountable to the people. He demanded that Yahya Khan shouldbeproducedinan opencourtsothatit could be known as to who was responsible for the disintegration of the country. He claimed he knew the entire history which led to the separation of East Pakistan. Wali Khan said the Opposition was blamed for non-cooperation with the Government. News agencies