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Protecting Marga11a

THE rapid deforestation of Margalla is alarming as it is destroying Islamabad`s naturalbeauty and ecologicalbalance.

Home to the Margalla Hills National Park (MHNP), the area is being deforested for commercial projects, illegal housing societies, and firewood collection. Recent reportsindicate thathundreds oftrees are being cut down every month, causing landslides, loss of wildlife, and extreme temperature changes in the federal capital.

In 2023, the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) reported illegal logging in trails three and five, where rare pine and acacia trees were being removed. Additionally, new illegal resorts and housing projects near Pir Sohawa are encroaching on the green belt, threateningthe habitat ofleopards, deer and other wildlife.

To preventfurther destruction,the government must strictly enforce the ban on tree-cutting and take action against illegalloggers.It shouldincreaseforest rangers and surveillance teams in and around Margalla. There should be reforestation programmes to restore lost greenery. It is also vital to penalise developers of housing societies for encroaching on protected areas.

The Margalla Hills act as the lungs of Islamabad, providing fresh air, biodiversity, and natural beauty. If the authorities do not act now, we risk losing it all for good.

Misbah Islamabad