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Swat multiparty conference vows not to give land for cantonment project

By Fazal Khaliq 2025-02-24
SWAT: A multiparty conference on Sunday unanimously declared that the people of Swat would not cede an inch of their land for any projects, including the establishment or expansion of a cantonment board, and vowed united resistance against any such government attempts.

The declaration emerged from a joint session organised by Tanzeem Sama Lar and Swat Qaumi Jirga held in Kanju area of Kabal tehsil here.

The attendees included elders from Kanju, Kuza Bandai and Ningolai union councils, alongside leaders from major political parties, including ANP, PTI, JUI-F, JI, PPP, PML-N, PkMAP, MPA Sultan-i-Rom, tehsil chairman Saeed Khan, ex-MPA and ANP president Sher Shah Khan, former provincial minister Ayub Khan Asharey, Sultan Ali Khan, A khtar Ali Khan, Dr Abdul Baseer, Swat traders` federation representative Dr Khalid Mehmood, Swat Olasi Pasoon`s AftabKhan,Abdul Jabbar Khan, and members of Nepkikhel and Azikhel communities.

The speakers emphasised that while Swat`s residents had historically dem-onstrated patriotism and sacrifice for Pakistan, they endured persistent hardship.

They alleged that militancy and terrorism were orchestrated to justify cantonment projects in Swat, citing pastland acquisitionsfor airports,cantonments, Frontier Corps camps, and golf courses. `We refuse to surrender further residential or agricultural land,` they asserted.

Criticising the Swat Expressway as a conspiracy to divide the district and destroy farmland, they condemned the cantonment board proposal as `forcedland capture`. The speakers argued that while India dismantles cantonments, Pakistan`s government prioritises expanding them, insisting Swat`s populace `will no longer be deceived`.

The organisers presented several resolutions at the jirga and passed them unanimously.

The people of Swat have always strived for peace and development, and any form of violence, militancy, or terrorism is unacceptable.

The people of Swat have made great sacriñces for peace, and the state is responsible for ensuring their safetyand security.

The state must provide a clear and complete explanation regarding the recent wave of violence and targeted killing.

The return of militants and the resurgence of lawlessness in Swat is unacceptable. The people reject any such conspiracy and demand immediate action to stop it.

The people of Swat will not allow their region to be turned into a battleground again for vested interests.

Any attempt to disrupt the peace and stability of Swat will be strongly resisted by the people.

The security agencies must fulfill their responsibilities by ensuring peace without any negligence.

The government must take immediate and effective measures to prevent the return of terrorist elements and ensure the safety of the people.

The people of Swat demand justice for the victims of violence and targeted attacks.

This conference firmly believes that the people of Swat will never allow any forces to exploit their land for terrorism and destruction.

The moot calls upon the government and security institutions to take swift action to eliminate the threats of terrorism and militancy. The conference also supports all peaceful movements aimed at ensuring lasting peace and stability in Swat.

It warns that if the demands of the people are not met, a large-scale peaceful protest movement will be launched.