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Governor`s warning

KARACHI: Mr Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, Governor of Sind, said in Karachi yesterday [March 22] his Government was determined not to allow any party or group to jeopardise the peace and tranquillity of the province. ... [H]eemphasised that the authorities would take all necessary steps to maintain law and order in Sind. He said if anyone had any complaint there were regular channels for voicing them... . He said: `some persons were trying to keep the language issue alive for their own personal, selfish and dubious ends and in order to project their personality.

He ... stressed that the Government would not permit the lives and property of any community to be endangered and ... recalled his previous statements that there was no distinction between locals and non-local in Sind province. Earlier ... Governor Bhutto said that the Assembly was the proper place to decide whether Sindhi should be the official language in Sind. When his attention was drawn to the trouble in Sind over the language issue, he said that this was a very old issue, but could be solved in the Assembly... . News agencies