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BNP-Awami chief decries exclusion of Panjgur projects from budget

By Saleem Shahid 2024-06-24
QUETTA: Balochistan MPA Mir Asadullah Baloch has accused the provincial government of excluding Rs8 billion worth of development schemes that he had proposed for the Panjgur district from the budget.

In a press conference on Sunday, Mr Baloch, also the president of the Balochistan National Party-Awami (BNP-A), warned that the party would decide its next steps in consultation with his constituents.

`If they want to distance us from parliamentary politics through such unjust actions, let us be clear that we will chart a different course of action after consulting our people,` he stated.

He described the removal of Panjgur district`s development schemes as a deliberate conspiracy against his constituency that cannot be tolerated.

He expressed disappointment over the redirection of funds from Panjgur and announced his intent to utilise all available means, including judicial action, to challenge the decision. `Depriving the people of Panjgur of their due rights and development funds is unacceptable, and our party will fight to achieve these rights,` Mr Baloch asserted.

`Our goal is singular: liberating Balochistan, not turning provinces into slaves,` he said, emphasising unity between Baloch and Pakhtuns for the province`s progress.

Mr Baloch, who walked out of the Balochistan Assembly during the budget speech last week, criticised the budget for favouring elites and neglecting the needs of the oppressed masses. He pledged to continue advocating for the rights of landowners, unemployment allowances for youth, and increased facilities in the province. He also called for greater transparency andjusticeinfund allocation.