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58,000 refugees moved

KARACHI: A total of 58,000 of Sind`s quota of 200,000 surplus refugees from West Punjab have by now been moved into Sindh, it was officially stated ... on Thursday [Sept 23]. It is hoped that the movement of the entire quota will be completed by the end of October. A two-pronged scheme aimed at ensuring the successful absorption of the incoming refugees in ... Sindh is now understood to be under the consideration of the rehabilitation authorities. The scheme envisages the grant of better tenancy rights to the Haris with a simultaneous reduction in their holdings which will create space for the resettlement of a portion of the incoming refugees.

The authorities ... propose to utilise the estimated 300,000 acres of `Kutcha` land emerging from the flood areas in Upper Sind for temporarily absorbing an appreciable number of refugees. It was pointed out that the contemplated temporary resettlement of refugees on `Kutcha` land would ensure a surplus rabi harvest, [and] at the same time give the authorities time to work out a programme for planned rehabilitation.

Meanwhile, arrangements are proceeding ... to establish a central rehabilitation directorate... . News agencies