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CJP-supported decision to revive union at QAU still not implemented

By Kashif Abbasi 2024-09-24
ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa may not see revival of students unions during his tenure, as his fully supported Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) syndicate`s decision, seeking revival of unions at the university has not been implemented as yet.

QAU syndicate had decided last year to revive students unions at QAUa step which was widely appreciated by students and others, as it was hoped that revival of union at QAU will pave the way for revival of unions in other universities of the country.

Chief Justice, being member of QAU syndicate had attended the meeting in September last year and not only supported the revival of unions, but also recommended that the union be modeled around Oxford University`s student union, which has produced a number of world leaders.

`CJP is due to retire next month, but QAU syndicate`s decision has notbeen implemented as yet. If unions are not revived during his tenure, their revival will be very difficult as successive governments under the pretext of a previous judgment of Supreme Court of 1993 always avoided holding elections,` said an official of QAU.

He said that CJP, who being member of the board of governors of various universities took special interest in education sectors. `He should also summons QAU administration to explain why elections are not being held as he held Islamic University`s management accountable for alleged misdeeds,` said an official adding that `we expect that the chief justice will pay special focus on QAU.

However, when contacted an administrative officer of QAU claimed that election of students union would be held soon.

`Our new semester has started and during this semester we will hold elections,` he said and when asked about deadline, the officer said a committee formed by the syndicate will announcethe date for election.

It is relevant to note here Student the unions were banned in 1984 by the dictator Ziaul Haq in an effort to quell student uprisings against his oppressive policies.

The decision had left a significant vacuum in Pakistan`s political landscape.

Four decades thence, the students at QAU last year seemed poised to be the first to get their democratic rights back.

Later a committee formed by QAU syndicate also finalised code of conduct for holding elections, but the university failed to hold the same.