LAKE SUCCESS: A resolution terminating the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan and appointing a United Nations representative to take over its ... responsibilities in Kashmir was introduced in the Security Council today [Feb 24]. The resolution was introduced by Dr Carlos Blanco, Cuban President of the Council for February. The other sponsoring countries were the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway.
[Meanwhile, according to news agencies in London,] Mr [Clement] Attlee`s Labour Party with 312 seats so far tonight [Feb 24] retained power as a result of yesterday`s British General Election. Labour was then certain of a majority, expected to be narrow over the Conservatives. The latest party position tonight was: Labour: 312; Conservative: 286; Liberal: 7.
[As reported from Karachi by news agencies,] all ships registering in Pakistan will have to fly the Pakistan national flag as the national colours for shipping from March 1, 1950... . All vessels ... owned exclusively by persons domiciled in Pakistan or by bodies corporate established in Pakistan will also have to fly the same colours, it is further learned.