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Musings on the birthday

EDITORIAL: The Quaid-i-Azam completes his 71st year and steps into his 72nd. Ever since the will of the nation entrusted its destiny to his care his birthday has been an occasion for national rejoicing and national prayers. This year the occasion comes in a new setting and is being celebrated for the first time by a free people in a free and sovereign State of which he is the architect. The hearts of his millions of devoted followers turn to him not only as the founder of Pakistan but as one who has set himself anew to the tremendous task of building it up.

InJunelastyear,sixdaysafterthe announcement of the acceptance of the Muslim demand for a national state by the British and the Indian Congress ... the Quaid-i-Azam told the Council of the Muslim League `I have done my job`. If he meant that the people, whose battle for freedom he had generalled with such unmatched genius and led them to victory, would now consent to relieve him of his burdens, it was not to be. Pakistan in the making could not do without him, Pakistan when made could do without him even less. He found that his job was not really done, it was just begun. This one year of the Quaid-i-Azam`s life has therefore been the most strenuous of all and has taxed his powers of endurance to the utmost.