On January 16, an alleged burglar barged into actor Saif Ali Khan`s Mumbai apartment in the early hours. The actor was asleep but he woke up and a scuffle ensued. The intruder stabbed Saif AK six times and ran away. The actor was taken to hospital, where he under went a delicate surgery, since two of the wounds were deep and one was near his spine. It`s still not clear how the intruder managed to get into apartment but, reportedly, the burglar was demanding 10m Indian rupees. After a few days, the police were able to nab the attacker and identified him as a Bangladeshi national named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, who had been living in India under the Hindu name Vijay Das. While some have questioned the police`s version of events, we wish Saif AK a full and speedy recovery.