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Lawyers` strikes

THERE are some inherent problems in the judicial system of the country that need to be addressed at the earliest. The recent strike in the civil courts caused a lot of hassle to the people of Lahore. No one was ready to represent the clients in the civil courts.

During such strikes, lawyers continue to take new cases in their chambers, but refuse to appear before the judges. The only thing the courts seem doing during such episodes is to give new dates, and the number of pending cases continue to go higher and higher, increasing the burden of already delayed cases. In essence,thisis againstthe very spirit of justice, as they say justice delayed is justice denied.

The system should be reformed to give an early relief to the victims. However, in the prevailing circumstances, especially in the lower courts where strikes by lawyers are frequent and impede the proceedings, the victims continue to wait for the settlement of their disputes.

Plaintiffs, on the other hand, are often advised by the veterans to get their issues resolved out ofcourtratherthan waiting for the system to deliver. The practicefavoursthe oppressorrather thanthe oppressed.

Therefore,the best optionin such a scenario is to somehow avoid such strikes.

The lawyers should come up with some innovative and feasible ideas to present their demands to the judicial and civil administrations.

Indeed, like any other person who demands his rights, lawyers, too, have complete right to demand the redressal oftheirgrievances andissues,butit should not be at the cost of their clients, pushing them further into the abyss of judicial delays.

The legal fraternity must realise that to devise such a strategy is both a moral obligation and a socio-economic imperative.

Asim Shaukat Ali Lahore