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Garbage in storm water drains causes flooding in city: experts

By Faiza llyas 2024-04-26
KARACHI: Massive encroachment of storm water drains across the city and lack of a system for their periodic cleaning throughout the year were identified as major reasons for flooding in the city by experts at a programme held on Wednesday.

The event on urban flooding was organised at the Climate Action Centre(CAC).

During the discussion, the panellists including experts in hydrology, meteorology and urban planning emphasised that the root causes of Karachi`s flooding must be identified to implement effective prevention strategies.

Speaking about climate change, Chief Meteorologist Dr Sardar Sarfaraz said that the rising global temperature by 1.2 degrees Celsius had significantly increased the intensity of floods in the world, especially in vulnerable countries like Pakistan that saw devastating floods in 2022 when one third of the country was submerged.

`In fact, the likelihood of such devastating floods has increased by 30 times due to climate change,` he warned.

Other speakers highlighted shortcom-ings in Karachi`s infrastructure and planning that had made the city so vulnerable that a significant section of the city got flooded even by light rain.

Hydrologist Sana Adnan noted that the current practice of cleaning storm drains only before the monsoon season was a major reason for flooded roads, though it`s common knowledge that heavy rains could occur anytime of the year.

According to her, Karachi needs a comprehensive master plan for storm water management including complete separation of storm water drainage from the sewerage system and properly designed storm water system in areas where it doesn`t exist.

`We need proper and permanent profiling of all roads to support the overlandflows towards drainage nullahs and drains and ensure that all encroaching infrastructures constructed over drains and outfall pathways are removed,` Ms Adnan said.

She also emphasised the need for restoring drains and channels to their original capacity, implementing a comprehensive solid waste management system from primary to secondary collection system and then final disposal of waste at landfill sites that should be provided outside the city.

`Karachi generates 20,000 tonnes of solid waste per day but only 3,000 tonnes to 4,000 tonnes of waste is picked up. The city`s population has grown dramatically but its solid and drainage system hasn`t been upgraded to meet the needs of a growing city,` she said, adding the city had a large unregistered population.

Adaptation strategies Most participants raised the concern that though the provinceof Sindh had a separate directorate for climate change as well as a policy on the phenomenon, its manual on planning and development had no mention of climate change adaptation. Hence, the government projects didn`t include strategies and action plans for implementation.

That`s why storm water drains, a participant pointed out, were notperiodically cleaned and the finance department released funds for the task just before the monsoon season.

It was also stated that the city had over 3,000km long network of drainage but the Karachi Water Sewerage Services and Improvement Project would cover only 160km of the system.

Expert on urban planning BilalKhalid underscored the urgent need for a well-defined administrative plan based on modern principles. He stated, `Karachi faces multifaceted challenges and it will remain vulnerable to any climate disaster unless a comprehensive and strategically designed plan is implemented.

Director CAC Yasir Darya also spoke.