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Operation to continue in riverine area, announces Sharjeel

KARACHI: Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon on Tuesday said that police and Rangers had taken a joint action in the riveine area against dacoit gang in view of twomeetings chaired by President Asif Ali Zardari on law and order situation.

He expressed the resolve that the operation in the riveine area would continue. Talking to reporters on the premises of the Sindh Assembly, he said the message of the meetings was clear that criminals should lay down their weapons.

He said that if the dacoits not involved in serious crimes surrendered, the government could help them reha-bilitate. And those caught during the police action would also be given a chance to mend their ways, he added.

The senior minister said that all the departments, including that of police, had presented their performance to President Zardari.

In reply to a query, he said reconciliation committees should be formed for resolving tribal disputes amicably. Such disputes claimed lives of innocent people, he added.Answering a question regarding the launch of the drug-test campaign in the educational institutions of the province, he said that they would be in position to begin the campaign from July 1.

In reply to a question, he said that those who continued the sale of illegal drugs would not be spared as the policy was based on zero tolerance.

Answering a question, he said there had also been a discussion on streetcrime in Karachi and in that regard, the data of January could be compared with that of May, which showed that the situation had improved.

He said the provincial government had issued orders for modern weapons to police and their procurement started.

Mr Sharjeel said that it was due to the vision of President Asif Ali Zardari that the morale of police had started improving.-APP