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PTI observes `thanksgiving day`

By Habib Khan Ghori 2019-07-26
KARACHI: The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf`s Karachi chapter observed Thursday as a `thanksgiving day` as part of the party`s nationwide programme .

The day was celebrated by cutting a cake at the party`s `Insaf House`.

Leader of the Opposition in the Sindh Assembly Firdous Shamim Naqvi and other party leaders, including Khurram Sher Zaman, MNAs and MPAs and activists attended the function.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Naqvi congratulated the nation, particularly PTI workers and supporters, on the `Day of Thanksgiving and Accountability`.

He said that during one year of the PTI government, `we have seen theBhutto crying and a `Rajkumari` telling lies. We want to tell them that the party has just begun and we are going to extract the ill-gotten money from you. Why are you scared as the ACs and TVs have not been removed from the jail as yet`.

He said the rain had disrupted opposition`s gatherings in Peshawar, Lahore and Islamabad. `Whatever the corrupt politicians do, we promise we will not leave them in any way.

We believe in accountability without discrimination as ending corruption is the right way to progress. We will make Pakistan free of corruption.

Speaking on the occasion,Khurram Sher Zaman said the process of apprehending the looters had started and `the accountability process will continue till elimination of corruption`.

He said that through a resolution the PTI had praised the people forchoosing Imran Khan as Prime Minister of Pakistan.

He said the nation believed that Prime Minister Imran Khan was taking the country on the road to progress. `Every person of this nation needs to help Imran Khan fulfil his promise of making Pakistan the state of Madina,` he added.

On the conclusion of the ceremony, the participants prayed for the betterment and solidarity of Pakistan.

Later talking to reporters, PTI Sindh president and parliamentary leader Haleem Adil Shaikh said that while the PTI was observing the thanksgiving day, the corrupt politicians were observing it as a `black day`.

He said that it was for the first time in the country`s history that the corrupt people had been made accountable.