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Battered childhood

THE scourge of child abuse in Pakistan displays no signs of retreat. An inability to understand the idea of safety from crimes that creep into everyday bonds is the culprit.

A child`s exploitation falls in this category. Also, the persistent dearth of awareness, deterrents and rapid action fuels this social evil. As a consequence, the state of our children presents a grisly picture. According to a report by Sahil, a local NGO, 12 children were sexually abused daily in the first half of 2023; a total of 2,227 youngsters were preyed on, of which 54pc were girls; and 74pc of incidents were reported from Punjab. It revealed that strangers were implicated in 498 cases, whereas in 912 instances the abusers were acquaintances, affirming the belief that most violators are known to victims.

Beyond statistics, a perverse culture of denial benefits perpetrators and cripples the wellbeing of our most precious resource. Virtually daily, one incident is reported in the media. Therefore, it`s safe to assume that millions of children are exposed to abuse and death. In most cases, the trauma of childhood sexual assault manifests not as much when victims are underage as it does in life-changing ways in their adulthood eating disorders, PTSD, depression, substance abuse and even suicide, killing their potential to become wholesome, productive members of society. A critical gauge of a society relates to the value it places on safeguarding the innocent. For violations to be countered effectively, the child must be taught to recognise warning signs of sexual abuse and the primary instinct to protect has to take precedence over prissy attitudes, which perpetuate vulnerability. The state too should show it has a heart that beats for the young by toughening laws so that the burden of proof is on the accused. Furthermore, a sensitised police force empowers survivors and families to come forward for justice. After all, the price of our past silence has been immense anguish.