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Beggars and vendors

KARACHI: The Karachi Administration have decided not to allow any beggars or vendors anywhere within 500 yards of the Quaid-i-Azam`s grave and propose to increase the number of police guards posted at the grave to fight the beggars menace.

The Administration also propose to make the approach to the grave one-way traffic and no vehicles will be allowed to park near the graveside. Arrangements are being made to provide a car park on the low lying areas west of the grave. The police have succeeded in ousting the Mujavirs ... from the graveside, but the combing out beggars continued throughout yesterday [Sept 25].

The Administration also refused permission to hold Qawwali by the graveside as it would disturb those reciting the Holy Quran.

Even otherwise the Administration is reported to consider such practices thoroughly undesirable. A majority of visitors also was against such `impropriety` and have decided to send a deputation to the Administrator of Karachi to urge him not to allow such practices at the grave `under any circumstances`. Staff correspondent [Meanwhile, according to news agencies,] The Government of Pakistan are likely to consider a proposalforthe bringinginto circulation of a set of four memorial stamps as a mark of respect and homage to the memory of the `Father of Nation`, it was learned.