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Indian policy outdated

ASTORE: Pakistan does not want war with India and is prepared to hold talks on Kashmir, Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said here today [Sept 25]. He was speaking at a huge public meeting ... in this picturesque town. ... The Prime Minister, however, said thatifIndiathoughtshe could achieve accession of Jammu and Kashmir state by force, she was under a great misconception.

Pakistan ... did not want war because war never solved problems. Pakistan ... was prepared for talks because its stand on Kashmir was ... based on principles. It, therefore, had nothing to fear from talks, he added. But if India ... resorted to aggression, she would find Pakistan fully prepared to defend itself.

News agencies [Meanwhile, as reported by news agencies from Beirut,] Israeli warplanes bombed parts of the Arkub Region of south-east Lebanon ...

today [Sept 25], informed sources said here.

The raid followed a similar attack on the same region yesterday. ... In Tel Aviv, official Israeli sources called the raids `preventive strikes`. The Tel Aviv military spokesman said aircraft made a 30-minute ... attack on `targets of the terrorists in Fatah-land`.