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PTA clarification: web monitoring

WIT H regard to the news appearing in a section of the media, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) wishes to clarify that, in order to meet statutory and policy obligations, Telecom industry as per their licence obligations was asked by the PTA in 2017 to deploy a suitable system capable of monitoring/ analysing internet traffic. Furthermore, the honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Lahore High Court have both instructed the PTA in separate cases to deploy technical systems for combating grey traffic and filtering objectionable Internet content respectively.

Any perception regarding Web Monitoring Systems (WMS) curtailing privacy or limiting the freedom of internet users is f alse. This system will f acilitate in the identification and eradication of grey traf fic causing huge loss to the national exchequer, and internet content management as mandated under Clause 37 of Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016.

Upon deployment of the system the PTA shall be independently responsible for carrying out WMS operations exclusively for the mandate provided under the Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, PECA 2016 and Telecom Policy 2015.

The PTA`s positive role in regulating the Telecom sector with a consumer-centric approach has resulted in exceptional growth in internet users during last five years. The PTA has also ensured that latest technologies and services are affordable and available to Pakistan Telecom users.

Khurram A. Mehran Director (PR) Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Islamabad