POLITICAL SOMERSAULTS: The main opposition party is currently holding talks with the government while demanding the inclusion of the military establishment in the process, arguing that talks with government alone would not bear any fruit. One wonders when the party concerned would stop these somersaults and stick to any one stance. The economy is improving, and the government has grown in strength and is well in control.
It would be hard for the opposition party to survive till the next elections.
GutsherPanhwer Johi PARKING TICKET: Recently, I had a chance to visit the Lake View Park in Islamabad and was surprised to receive a handwritten parking ticket on a simple piece of paper. Unsurprisingly, the person collecting the charge was unable to provide any explanation.
Considering the high volume of visitors, especially on public holidays, it has become clear that a significant amount may disappear from the account. The use of handwritten slips makes it easy to collect cash without proper record-keeping, enhancing the chances of corruption further. The relevant authorities should conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and ensure that the parking fee is neither stolen nor misused by anyone.
Zeeshan A. Siddiqui Islamabad SELECTIVE JUSTICE: This is with reference to the report `Imran `hoisted with own petard` in corruption case` (Jan 18). One important point seems to have beenignoredinthe case.The cabinet ministers had also signed their consent to the deal without knowing what they were agreeing to. Would they have signed a blank piece of paper on which anything could have been typed later? Should this not worry every Pakistani? These ministers were in charge ofrunningthe countryforfour years, and they did something that no normal person would ever have done.
In my view, all these ministers should also be tried for the same offence.