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Pakistan-Iraq treaty

KARACHI: A Treaty of Friendship between Pakistan and Iraq was signed in Baghdad on Sunday [Feb 26] morning. The Treaty follows closely on the heels of the one recently concluded between Iran and Pakistan. The Treaty was signed by His Excellency Mr Ghazanfar Ali Khan on behalf of the GovernorGeneral of Pakistan, and by His Excellency Syed Tawfiq-as-Sedi, Prime Minister of Iraq on behalf of the Regent of Iraq. The PakistanIraq Treaty of Friendship is the first of its kind in as much as it has been signed in the name of the Governor-General of Pakistan, His Excellency Khwaja Nazimuddin. The Iran-Pakistan Treaty of Friendship was, it is learnt, signed in the name of King George VI as the King of Pakistan.

Itisfurther learnt thatinfuture alltreaties that Pakistan may conclude with any State will be in the name of the GovernorGeneral of Pakistan. A [news agency] message from Baghdad adds: `The idea of the Treaty evolved during the visit of the Pakistan Prime Minister, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, to Baghdad in May 1949, in the course of the conversation with General Nuri Said, (then the Iraqi Premier). News agencies