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Iran ally Syria strives to stay out of hostilities

BEIRUT: Syria has avoided getting embroiled in the Gaza crisis, experts say, despite a strike on Iran`s Damascus consulate that threatened to ignite a regional conflagration.

The government of Syrian President Bashar al Assad is seeking to strike a delicate balancing act between Russia and Iran, which have propped it up during 13 years of civil war and helped it reclaim lost territory. Syria is part of the `axis of resistance` an alliance of Iran-backe d groups that has launched attacks on Israel or its alleged assets since October.

But its other main ally, Russia, maintains diplomatic ties with Israel and has pushed for stability in Syria`s south, which borders the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

`The Israelis clearly warned Assad that if Syria was used against them they would destroy his regime,` said a Western diplomat.

Recent months have seen a series of strikes on Iranian targets in Syria, widely blamed on Israel, culminating in an April 1 raid that levelled Tehran`s consulate in Damascus and killed seven IranianRevolutionary Guards, two of them generals.

That strike prompted Iran to launch a first-ever direct missile and drone attack against Israel on April 13-14 that sent regional tensions spiralling.

The attackshave alsopushedIran to reduce its military footprint throughout southern Syria, especially in areas bordering the Golan, a source close to Hezbollah said.

Russia and UAE influence `Russia and the United Arab Emirates have urged (Assad) to stay away from the conflict,` said Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute.

Last year, Syria returned to the Arab fold, seeking better ties with wealthy Gulf states, in hopes they can help fund reconstruction although Western sanctions are likely to deter investment.

In 2018, the United Arab Emirates re-established ties with Syria, and it has been leading the charge to reintegrate Damascus.

Syria appears to have heeded Russia and the UAE`s call, and its border with the Golan Heightsremains relatively calm despite a handful of strikes launched by Hezbollah-allied fighters.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor says that since the start of the Gaza war only 26 rocket attacks from Syria have targeted the Golan, which Israel captured from Syria in 1967 andannexedin1981.

Most have landed in open areas, `which is read in Washington and elsewhere as a sort of code that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants to stay out of the Gaza conflict`, Tabler said.

`Assad hopes the Arabs and the West will compensate him for his restraint, and the Russians are pushing him towards this path,` he said.

Earlier this month, Russia`s defence ministry said it had established an additional position in the Syrian part of the Golan, to `monitor the ceasefire and promote deescalation`.

While massive demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza took place in several Arab capitals, Damascus only saw a handful of small pro-Palestine rallies, witnesses said.-AFP