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Educational problems

LONDON: Outlining the difficulties which confront the Pakistan Government regarding education in the country, Mr Fazlur Rahman, Pakistan`s Minister for Education, Industries and Commerce, told a gathering of members of the Pakistan Students` Federation last night [June 25] that services of no less than 500,000 trained teachers were required for elementary and primary education alone.

Among other factors impeding the country`s educational progress, according to the Minister, was the fact that Pakistan was spending a substantial part of her national income on her necessary defence requirements.

Mr Fazlur Rahman, who for two hours discussed with local Pakistani students the country`s educational problems and difficulties, assured them that the Pakistan Government were considering the establishment of five hostels in London for Pakistani students.

In an address of welcome, Mr D.M.

Qureshi, President of the Federation, eulogised the Minister for his numerous services to his country in the field of education and expressed hope that the `plans for spreading the light of education in Pakistan would soon bear fruit`. Dawn London Office