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Indo-Pacific strategy

THE Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States reflects a strategic reorientation towards the dynamic and increasingly significant region spanning from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. At its core, the US strategy seeks to ensure freedom of navigation in maritime domains, particularly in the hotly contested South China Sea. To achieve the objective, the US has maintained a robust military presence, conducting joint exercises with allies and partners to demonstrate resolve and deterrence.

The Indo-US nexus has implications for Pakistan and China. For Pakistan, the strategy may be perceived as a shift in strategic priorities and a potential challenge to its security interests.

Moreover, Pakistan`s close ties with China, particularly through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), may further complicate its relationship with the US and its allies in the Indo-Pacific.

Nonetheless, Pakistan also stands to benefit from increased regional connectivity and economic integration, provided it can navigate the geopolitical complexities and balance it s relationships with major powers in the region.

For China, say, the current US strategy represents a direct response to its growing assertiveness and influence in the region.

By strengthening alliances, expanding military presence, and promoting economic initiatives, the US aims at counterbalancing China`s rise, challenging the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The US strategy will reshape regional and global dynamics, enhancing India`s position, which will pose challenges to Pakistan, and intensify the competition with China.

In allthis criticalscenario, careful diplomacy and constructive engagement are crucial to navigating the complexities of the Indo-Pacific region as well as ensuring stability and prosperity for all the regionaland globalstakeholders.

M. Azhar Mehmood Rajoka Islamabad