KARACHI: India and Pakistan agreed on a cease-fire line for the whole of 800-mile front in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, at the eleventh meeting yesterday [July 26] of the tripartite conference between the military representatives of the two Dominions and the UNCIP Truce Sub-Committee, it was officially announced in Karachi. The agreed line is based on the compromise, suggested by Lt-GeneralMauriceDelvoie,MilitaryAdviser to the UNCIP... . The compromise formula was accepte d by the Indian delegation ... after consultations with the Indian Government.
The main points of difference were the Kishenganga River and the Burzil nullah.
Theagreedcease-firelineleavesKishenganga on the Pakistan side and cuts across the Burzil nullah. Staff correspondent [Meanwhile, according to news agencies in Sialkot,] The Civil Surgeon, Sialkot, has launched a campaign to root out quackery in the district. Recently shops of two unlicensed and unregistered doctors were raided. One of them has now stopped practice. Investigations against the other are in progress, following alleged recovery of 47 poisonous drugs from him.