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`Sink or swim`

HYDERABAD: Khwaja Shahabuddin, Minister for the Interior and Refugees and Rehabilitation, was outspoken and firm when he replied to certain grievances narrated to him by a deputation of the Hyderabad Hindu community headed by Mukhi Gobind Ram, ex-Minister of Sindh here yesterday [Sept 24]. The Minister, replying to the deputation, said: `How could the Government consider a person a loyal citizen when he has one foot in Pakistan and one beyond its territories? He has sent his family away and in some cases menfolk have gone too, and only an agent is left to look after his financial interests. Could such a person expect that his houses or lands should not be requisitioned for rehabilitation purposes? `All loyal citizens of Pakistan irrespective of caste or creed are and shallbe regarded as equal here. ... Fifth columnists shall be severely dealt with whether they be Muslims or Hindus. In fact, the police in their drive against the activities of fifth columnists have arrested more Muslims than Hindus.

My advice to you, therefore, is to deserve and then desire. Knit your fate with us and sink or swim with us.