KARACHI: Former members of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) on Thursday said that they were extremely worried about the present functioning of the organisation which was supposed to take care of health facilities in the country.
They said the existing ad hoc committee of the PMDC had `totally failed` in regularisation of medical education in the country`s medical colleges, organisation of postgraduate medical educationand training of postgraduates in teaching hospitals and institutes.
Reading out a statement at a press conference at the PMA House here signed by ex-PMDC members Dr Nasir Ali Khan, Dr Feroz Jahangeer, Dr Jamaluddin Sheikh and Dr Shershah Syed they said the PMDC had failed in introducing uniform and merit-based admission policies for medical colleges of Pakistan as well as in organisation of medical colleges in public and private sector medical schools.
Besides, according to them, the PMDC`s ad hoc committee hadmuch to do in recognition of new medical colleges, increment of seats in medical colleges and inspection of existing medical colleges etc.
`It is disturbing to see that the PMDC has not taken any action against substandard medical and dental colleges in public and private sector. In fact the ad hoc committee is providing umbrella cover to these so-called medical colleges which are exploiting students and making money at the cost of patients,` stated the ex-PMDC members.
They said recently the PMDC had allowed private medical col-leges to increase their fee enormously for the benefit of the owners of medical colleges.
`Some of the medical colleges have no hospitals and are functional in rented buildings without enough faculties. The ad hoc committee has failed to act against these medical colleges. Instead the ad hoc committee has increased the seats without inspection.
They demanded the government immediately dissolve the ad hoc committee and a `true representative PMDC` should be formed after legislation in the National Assembly.