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People should have the right to reject

AS the nation seems to be approaching general elections, there is a need to reform the electoral process with some key steps. Since elections represent the very foundation of a democratic dispensation, therefore those who exercise their right to vote must be given afree handtoelectthe candidate oftheir choice, and, more critically, the right to reject all the candidates that do not come tothe expectations ofavoter.

`None of the above` (NOTA) is an option that allows voters to cast their votes and to express their opinion without electing any of the candidates listed on the ballot paper. If they feel that the contesting parties do not deserve to be the ones to govern the country, the citizens can click on the NOTA option.

The option is being practised in several countries in the West and even in neighbouring India. Democratic nations across the world have given this option in national elections to get rid of candidates who are not favoured by the voters.

The NOTA serves a democratic system well. It is a critical tool in the hands of the voters, especially the silent majority that otherwise stays away from the whole exercise, to give voice to an opinion.

People are not limited to a this-or-that binary. They have an opportunity to express just what they think of the line-up presented to them.

On a country-wide scale, it becomes a mass-scale vote of confidence for or against the authenticity of elections. It improves voter turnout, and actually empowers the voters to say precisely what they want to say, making elections worth their time and effort.

Over a few electoral cycles, NOTA forces politicians to deliver on their promises because they know that the elections are not just about electing; they are as much, if not more, about rejectinga candidacy. NOTA has to be included as an option in the coming elections and in every election henceforth.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) should consider the matter, and take due steps in this regard. After all, rejecting a candidate, or all the candidates, is also a democratic right of the people.

Zain ul Abdin Jessar Larkana