DISHONESTY pervades every section and aspect of our society and it inevitably leads to corruption at some point. Allow me to narrate the following popular social media message to make my point: For a school`s year-book publication, the principal selected a photographer and they agreed to a rate of Rs20 per student for a photograph. However, the principal asked his teachers to collect Rs30 per child. Some of the teachers announced in class that every child should bring Rs50 for this purpose. Back home, some of the children conveyed the message to their mothers but enhanced the said amount to Rs80 per photograph! Finally, in the evening, some of these intelligent mothers asked their husbands to provide a yet bigger sum of Rs200 for their child`s school photograph! However, crude or simplistic, the message it conveys is apt. How on earth can we control corruption when ordinary citizens have a built-in temptation to cheat a fellow human being at the slightest opportunity.