Bhutto reaffirmed here today [Jan 27] at a public meeting Pakistan`s irrevocable stand on Kashmiris` inalienable right to self-determination and warned that any unilateral settlement or understanding reached between Shaikh Abdullah and Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi will not at all be binding.
... Mr Bhutto referred to Shaikh Abdullah`s plea for the opening of [the] RawalpindiSrinagar road and noted that it was a national route to which he as a Muslim should be attached. ... Touching on home politics the Prime Minister castigated [the] Opposition for what he characterised [as] its anti-people and anti-democratic role to foist a minority Government on the country ... to exploit and oppress people. Islamabad Bureau [Meanwhile, as reported by our staff reporter,] Prof Shakir Ali, 59, one of the pioneers of modern art in Pakistan, and a former Principal of National College of Fine Arts, Lahore, died ... in Mayo Hospital, Lahore, yesterday [Jan 27]. The second eminent artist to die [within a] fortnight, Prof Shakir Ali had [an] attack of paralysis when he was presiding over a condolence meeting for late Abdul Rehman Chughtai who had died ... on Jan 17.