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Grotesque vision

HE Trump administration has sunk to a new low in its cavalier approach to the Gaza crisis. It seems all sense has been lost on the US president, who shared on his social media an AI-generated video depicting a dystopian `Trump Gaza`. The land is shown as a beachfront playground for the wealthy, where Donald Trump is sipping cocktails with Benjamin Netanyahu while Elon Musk dances under a shower of cash. It is not just outrageous, it is grotesque. The fact that the leader of the most powerful country in the world saw fit to share this vile fantasy amid vicious bloodletting speaks volumes for both his character and his administration`s policies. It trivialises the suffering of over 2m Palestinians living under bombardment and blockade. UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese correctly identified this as `psychological overwhelming` a deliberate strategy to normalise the absurd.

The Trump administration has already floated plans to `take over` Gaza and forcibly relocate its Palestinian population a scheme that would be tantamount to ethnic cleansing under international law. Despite rejection from Jordan, Egypt and the broader Arab world, Mr Trump continues to push this abhorrent vision, now visualised in digital form. What makes this particularly disturbing is the messianic self-portrayal with lyrics proclaiming `Donald`s coming to set you free` alongside golden Trump statues across the territory. This is not development or reconstruction; it is colonial fantasy at its most brazen, treating Palestinian land as an empty canvas for American and Israeli profiteering. The video has rightfully drawn condemnation across the political spectrum.

Even Trump supporters have expressed dismay, though primarily due to concerns about US involvement in foreign conflicts rather than Palestinian suffering. The international community must unequivocally reject this vision, which reduces a humanitarian catastrophe to a garish real estate opportunity. Gaza is not a construction site for megalomaniacal visions. Its future must be determined by Palestinians, its rightful inhabitants.