T HE government in Punjab has initiated a pilot project in Lahore involving dedicated lanes for cyclists and motorcyclists. This initiative is commendable as it seeks to enhance traffic flow, alleviate congestion, and improve the safety of commuters, particularly those on bicycles and motorcycles.
In Karachi, we have a major thoroughfare, the Sharea Faisal, which features a designated lane for cyclists and motoreyclists that was initiated back in 2018.
Unfortunately, this lane suffers from neglect and inefficiency within the traffic police department, leading to poor maintenance and execution despite the presence of a substantial traffic police force close to the starting point of the lane.
The enforcement of rules and regulations is essential and should be approached with diligence by law-enforcement agencies.
Regrettably, those tasked with upholding these laws often show little regard for compliance.
It is imperative that we reassess our collective mindset to foster a community where our leaders and officials exemplify the standards they want the masses to follow. While achieving this may be challenging, it is crucial to establish a societal standard where the rule of law is upheld and respected by all regardless of one`s political, official or social standing.