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Pink e-scooters

KARACHI: The Sindh cabinet has approved procurement of 50 more electric buses for the city, including 15 double-deckers, and 1,000 pink electric motorcycles for women.

Briefing the newsmen after the cabinet meeting on Thursday, Senior Minister Sharjeel Memon said that the cabinet was informed that the Sindh Mass Transit Authority (SMTA) had planned to procure 50 public transport buses for Karachi, including 15 double-decker buses.

He said that the transport department intended to operate the double-deckers on Sharea Faisal and approved the proposal, allocating Rs3 billion for the project.

`The other electric buses will operate on different routes in the city,` he added.

Besides that, he said, the provincial cabinet also approved the establishment of the `Dow Science Foundation` under the management of Dow Medical University, the transfer of Mehar Polytechnic Institute to SZABIST, the automation of anti-narcotics records, the provision of free pink bus service for women and the installation of a transmission line to Dhabeji for the KarachiWater and Sewerage Project.

He recalled that when Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, for the first time as PM, visited Karachi, he had promised to provide 180 buses to the province during a meeting.

The minister said that the provincial government had pledged to match the number of buses provided by the federal government. `However, despite the prime minister`s promise, not a single bus was allocated to Sindh in the 2024-2025 budget,` he lamented and added that the provincial government had decided to write a letter to the PM in this regard.

Mr Memon said that the Sindh government would provide pink scooters to women free of cost. `Women with a valid twowheeler licence will be eligible to receive these scooters, which will be distributed through an open balloting process within a few weeks,` he added.

He said that the pink scooters would be given to students, businesswomen, and employed women. `Additionally, the Transport Department will offer bike-riding training for women, with lady instructors appointed to facilitate the training,` he added.

The senior minister stated that the provincial government was investing $1.6 billion in water projects for Karachi. `Additionally, with the support of the World Bank, the energy department has been providing solar systems to 250,000 homes,` he said and added that the cabinet approval was granted to extend this initiative by providing solar systems to an additional 50,000 homes.

Meanwhile, a press statement issued fromCM House said that the cabinet was also informed of the need to construct a transmission line for the K-IV project by the Sindh Transmission and Dispatch Company (STDC).

Additionally, a 132 kV grid station is required,necessitatingfundingofRs16.47bn for its establishment.

The cabinet approved a 20 per cent joint equity investment totalling Rs3,295 million by STDC and the Sindh Energy Holding Company Limited (SEHCL). The remaining 80pc, amounting to Rs13,179m, will be financed through debt or loans from the Sindh government. The cabinet approved the proposal.

Registration of pick-ups The cabinet discussed that double cabin vehicles were being registered as commercial vehicles, whereas most were used for private purposes.

The cabinet decided that the vehicles would be registered as noncommercial vehicles at a rate of 4 per cent of the vehicle`s total value, with a Motor Vehicle Fee of Rs7,000 per annum and exemptions for luxury tax and conversion fees.

Dow University The cabinet was informed that Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) proposed to form a company called the Dow Life Sciences Foundation to expand public health initiatives and ensure efficient management and financial sustainability.

It was informed that Dow University intended to produce anti-snake venom and anti-rabies vaccines, collect plasma for drug manufacturing, establish abioequivalence study centre (including laboratory kits, reagents, and clinical trials), and produce safe drinking water.

All profits will be directed into the DUHS Endowment Fund to support public health programmes.

The cabinet approved the formation of the company and authorised its registration.