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SPSC recruitment

THIS refers to the letter `SPSC results: an appeal` (April 17). I would like to ask the writers how they came to know that there is no proof of corruption against the Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC). Are they members of the commission. Or, was their letter an official notification of SPSC? Why was one of the candidates allotted two roll numbers? First he had been allotted roll number 22054 (Hyderabad centre), and after failing in screening test, he had been given a new roll number 35783 to reappear for the test at Karachi centre.

Similarly, the son of SPSC deputy controller failed in the screening test with a roll number 26365, and later allotted new roll number 35784. Both were declared successful in the written test.

Ihave nopersonalgrudge against qualified candidates. Undeniably, along with some blue-eyed boys, some meritoriouscandidates were also declared successful just to hide injustice to deserving candidates in the commission`s examinations in 2013.

Out of 2,800 candidates nearly 1,300 were declared unsuccessful in Sindhi essay paper, which is the mother tongue of the majority of candidates from Sindh. How can majority of candidates be unsuccessful in that paper? The writers have tried to paint the SPSC as a holy cow. Hundreds of cases against SPSC`s bogus recruitment are pending in the Sindh High Court.

I demand a judicial probe and investigation into this by a third party, not by the SPSC.

Hassnain Hyder Jokhio Larkana